JFK Lancer Productions & Publications

presents the First Annual Conference


November 21-24, 1996
Each year, thoughts turn to the events of this time and place.
Vivid pictures stay in your mind as you wonder how and why President Kennedy was murdered.
Join us and others whose feelings are the same. Let's make a strong showing in Dealey Plaza to show everyone that we are still here. Still on the case. Still searching for the truth.

Come to Dallas.

President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas thirty three years ago on November 22, 1963 in an area called Dealey Plaza.

Please send your name and mailing address
by e-mail at jfklancr@exo.com to receive more information.

What Where Conference Fees Vendors
When Speakers Submitting Papers Map

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1996 JFK Lancer Productions & Publications Conference

Come to Dallas.

Hear panels and presentations from witnesses, experts, researchers, and historians:

Who Killed President Kennedy?

Medical Contradictions

Dallas Witnesses

"Oswald's" Rifle

Cuban Connections

New Releases from A.R.R.B.

The Oswalds and Company

Zapruder Film, Is It Altered?

Special Student Symposium

New Research Techiques

Remembrance Ceremony at Dealey Plaza with a moment of silence at 12:30 pm Friday, November 22.

Optional Bus Tour on Sunday, November 24 , leaving at 10:00 am lasting for approximately 2 hours. Narrated, informative tour of the assassination related sights. ($25.00, not included in conference price. Space is limited! Do not wait to sign up for this super tour!)

Books, videos, cd-roms, and other resource materials will be available for purchase throughout the conference.

I want to know more about the JFK Assassination.I want to come to Dallas.

*   *   *   *   *
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We invite you to submit research papers.

Submission Requirements

Papers should be submitted to:

George Michael Evica, program chair
107 N. Beacon St.
Harford CT 06105

phone: 1-860-232-9673

email: evica@uhavax.hartford.edu

A message from George Michael Evica, program chairman for "November in Dallas" JFK Lancer Conference:

Dear Researcher:

As the editor of The Assassination Chronicles and the Host and Chairperson of the JFK Lancer Dallas Conference on the assassination of John F. Kennedy, I am inviting all of you to join Debra Conway, Thomas Jones and me in Dallas, November 21st-24rd, 1996, for what I am certain is going to be the most exciting research and information conference in the history of the JFK assassination research movement. The speakers and presenters who have already committed to the conference are among the most active and articulate researchers in the community of scholars and writers attempting to discover the full truth about the assassination.

You need only check this web page to realize how important this conference is going to be.

With this message, I am further inviting you to submit proposals for presentations at the conference. Openings on panels still exist in "The Rifles," "The Medical Contradictions," "Oswald and the Other Oswalds," and others, but time has been left open for new topics and new approaches I hope to hear from you soon

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November 21-23, 1996

Thursday, November 21, 1996:

Friday, November 22, 1996:

Saturday, November 23, 1996

Sunday, November 24, 1996

Times are subject to change. Final schedual will be mailed to registered participants and posted on this page.

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JOSEPH BACKES, national authority on the A.R.R. B. document releases, has attended every meeting of the Assassination Records Review Board.

GEORGE MICHAEL EVICA, acclaimed and much published author on the JFK subject, former professor Evica has lectured widely and won enormous praise his book, "And We Are All Mortal". Now the Senior Editor of the Assassination Chronicles.

MARY FERRELL, former legal secretary, she began amasing her assassination collection on November 22, 1963. The Grande Dame' of the assassination research community. She is internationally known researcher's researcher and archivist, and contributor to many assassination books.

JAMES FETZER, Ph.D, University of Minnesota, Duluth, expert in the medical evidence and the significance of the Z film.

RON HEPLER, director of engineering whose talents were applied in the Kennedy Assassination beginning in early 1988.

IAN GRIGGS, former law-inforcement officer, leading British Researcher and author of many articles published in leading research journals, a founding member and secretary to Dealey Plaza UK JFK research group.

SHERRY GUTIERREZ, a court-certified senior crime scene analyst and court-certified expert in blood stain pattern analysis. She heads the Forensic Investigative Unit for St. Charles Parish, Louisiana Sheriff's Department, works as a consultant to District Attorneys and law enforcement agencies in crime scene investigation and reconstruction. Gutierrez is a member of the International Association for Identification and has served on its subcommittee for bloodstain pattern evidence.

GARBY LEON (information coming soon)

DAVID LIFTON, long-time researcher and author of "Best Evidence", an exhaustive study of various medical aspects of the Kennedy murder and is now completing work on the forthcoming book, "Oswald Led Three Lives"

DAVID MANTIK, M.D, Ph.D., a Ph.D trained physicist, now physician, practices radiation oncology in California. He has done pioneering work studying the autopsy x-rays with densitometry, an investigation never before performed.

CHUCK MARLER, has a long standing interest in the Z-film with extensive experience in film editing, Chuck is also a founding member of Citizens for Truth about the Kennedy Assassination.

MARK OAKES, Dallas Historian and Researcher who has made taped archives of assassination witness' statements&emdash;some that had never told their story before.

MIKE PINCHER, J.D. (information coming soon)

JOSEPH RILEY, Ph.D, medical evidence authority; Dr. Riley received his Ph.D. in Neuroscience, specializing in neuroanatomy and experimental neuropathology.

CRAIG ROBERTS, a former Marine sniper in Vietnam, recently retired police officer, a medalist in many pistol competitions and recognized authority on weapons, marksmanship, and equipment of military forces world-wide. Roberts is a much published author of "A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza" and numerous other books. He also wrote each book in the Time-Life Series "New Faces of War."

JERRY ROSE, Ph.D., has studied the case for over 26 years, editor and publisher of "The Fourth Decade", a highly regarded academic journal of research on the JFK assassination,

ROY SCHAEFFER, expert on the Z film possible tampering.

JOSIAH THOMPSON, Ph.D., A former professor of philosophy, he is the author of SIX SECONDS IN DALLAS, a frame-by-frame study of the Zapruder Film.

NOEL TWYMAN, retired M.B.A. businessman and registered professional engineer and mechanical engineer who holds several patents, Noel has been conducting research and writing a book on the assassination of JFK, including studies of the Zapruder film, over the past five years.

ANNA MARIE KUHNS-WALKO, leading Archive II Researcher who has spent literally hundreds of hours at the archive reviewing and copying released documents.

NANCY WERTZ, Independent Researcher on the JFK case for nearly thirty years, she has provided research assistance to various authors and to teachers and students in educational lectures and college campus radio talk shows. Main research areas include JFK fiscal policy, the Paine family, Mexico City and the Vietnam War.

JACK WHITE, a 33 year researcher from the Dallas area, White served as the photographic consultant for the House Select Committee on Assassinations.


AL MADDOX, Former Dallas Deputy Sheriff, given note in jail by Jack Ruby

ED HOFFMAN, During the motorcade, Hoffman was standing on the freeway west of the parking lot atop the grassy knoll, enabling him to view happenings behind the picket fence.

PATSY PASCHALL, Dealey Plaza witness (showing her complete film)

CHIEF ROY VAUGHN, wrongly accused of letting Jack Ruby into parking garage.

MARILYN AND LINDA WILLIS, Dealey Plaza witnesses


GARY PATRICK HEMMING, ex-marine; early supporter of Fidel Castro; disenchanted with Fidel; organized several soldier of fortune and mercenary groups against Castro; now maintains he was patsied in Dallas, November 22nd, 1963.

GARY RAYMOND, former New Orleans DA's Investigator who turned over Garrison's Clay Shaw Grand Jury records to the ARRB, defying DA Connick's orders to destroy them.

Speakers will be updated as confirmed.

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Conference fees*


$80.00 if paid by October 1, 1996 $100.00 after October 1, 1996

Students and Children:

(13-18 years old) $50.00 if paid by October 1, 1996 $70.00 after October 1, 1996 Children 12 and under: free

There will be a Special Student Symposium for young people.

Bus Tour:

$25.00 per person (must be paid in advance.)

Students and teachers welcome!


Full refund if cancelation is made up to 15 days before conference. After that, no more than 50% refund applies.

Use the form below to send us your personal information &snail mail, email, or fax it (as applicable) with your payment:

JFK Lancer Conference
332 NE 5th Street
Grand Prairie, TX 75050

1(214)264-2007 tel or fax
email: jfklancr@flash.net

This will register you for the November in Dallas Conference .

Register early! Space is limited.


Address _____________________________________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________________________




Bus Tour (must be paid in advance) _______yes ________no

Amount of Enclosed Payment $__________ No. Of persons attending_________

(Please list all names)

Method of Payment

Check ___ Money Order ___Visa ___MasterCard ___Discover____

Card #________________________________________Ex. Date_____________


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The Grand Hotel

1914 Commerce Street
Dallas, Texas


Toll free 1-800-421-0011

Fax 1-214-742-1337

The Map to the Location  

The Grand Hotel is offering a conference special rate of $69.00 per room (single, double, triple, or quad occupancy). Call 1-800-421-0011 to reserve your room. Please inform reservations that you are attending the conference to qualify for this rate.

The beautiful Grand Hotel is situated in downtown Dallas approximately 10 blocks from Dealey Plaza.

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Vendors Information

Contact Tom Jones for more information.
phone or fax: 1-214-264-2007
email: jfklancr@flash.net

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Map of Downtown Dallas

Thank you and see you in Dallas on November 21st!
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